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mindless vagrant

i've been watching alot of my Foo Fighter and Rage Against the Machine DVDs. i really really enjoy Dave Grohl, hell the whole bands, energy. they turn "stacked actors" into a 15 minute rock out, then go blazing into "low". friggin amazing! the Rage DVD has an energy that surpasses the foo fighters exponetially, though its much more choatic. let me say it again: friggin amazing!

i also bought a Noam Chomsky DVD the other day. its called "the war on terrorism?" what i've watched so far is really good, super informative, and very honest. of course i knew i was spending today at a confrence, so i decided i'd probably be better to postpone watching alot of it. then i'll be better able to remember it later on.

p.s.: that leadership confrence was friggin amazing!


the friggin amazing is what makes this site PG-13.

Frig ya. . . and the conference did rule!

When you finish watching the Noam Chomsky DVD please comment on it. I've read articles by him and stuff in the past and the DVD is probably really really good. I'm curious.