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Great Ideas Are So Hard To Find

I'm sure this seemed like a really good idea somewhere, to someone.

Here's the Office episode 1 torrent file in case you missed the pilot last night - Save this file. Not much new to fans of the British version, but as I was saying to Sue after we watched it it allows the 'show' to continue on. I'm sure they'll offer different variations on some of the UK episodes, it'll just be interesting to see if it gets to stay on the air. Even as a UK rehash it's still funnier and better written than most US sitcoms.

Comments (1)

kellypeters [TypeKey Profile Page]:

I dunno. We watched it and it was pretty disappointing. I was waiting for Tim (Jim????)to drop Gareth's stapler out the window. Dawn was a bit colourless, as well. Like when she says you're such a jerk at the end of the episode. That was lamely scripted. The one scene that came across really well was when Gareth was trying to get Brent to tell him what the meeting was about before everyone else. The Brent character doesn't have near the strength of Ricky Gervais, but we'll see if they can develop him a little better. Training Day should be a telling episode. Thanks for the heads up on the torrent.

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