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I'm still alive. Watched Supersize Me last night and am on my required 1 week avoidance of McD's. Truth be told I haven't eaten there in quite awhile, and only rarely will I hit up A&W in a moment of desperation on campus. The only fast food joint I have no will to say no to is Wendy's. I don't know if it's red haired girls or square burgers, but something about that place keeps me coming back.

It's crazy nutsy busy time at the U these days. All the retarded first years running around with their gut hanging out of their two sizes too small shirt stopping at the top of the stairs to talk about how "like, I totally couldn't even understand my teacher today... and where do I, like, get my books?" Free pizza from IBM and a bunch of freebies from Sasktel have helped to nurse the rage building inside me.


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Comments (5)


I totally hear you on the campus stuff Chris. I find that I've been laughing a lot of myself lately. I was early for one of my classes and it was full of 1st years and no prof. They thought I was the prof. and that made me laugh. It also made me laugh that you would wait the whole hour for a prof to show up. Us veterans know that you only wait 20 minutes.

Jer and I and Matt and Kirk saw Supersize Me awhile ago and I must say that I've tried my best to stay away since. That movie scared the crap out of me! (Especially the part about the majority of Nutritionists saying that you shouldn't eat there more than once a year!)


I meant I've been laughing a lot to myself. Sorry, my brain is mush now that I'm back.

I know what you mean. Some days it's easy to laugh at the crazyness that is the Univ and other days it makes you want to punch someone. :)


I hear you loud and clear like thunder and crystal.

It is amazing and frightening to me that I may once have fit in to the mold of the 'retarded first year'. I'm pretty sure that I didn't walk around with my gut hanging out while wearing a two sizes too small shirt.

At least I don't think I did?? Hmmmm.


boy do I agree! Whenever I emerge from the closed in world that is the law college and see all of the younguns I am overwhelmed. I am SOOOOO glad that I'm not taking any undergrad classes right now. It makes me wonder what the older students in my undergrad classes thought of me. Was I as young then as these kids are now? I hope not but I probably was.

I hope the shirt phenomenon goes away quickly cuz it's quite awful to see. I want to drag some of these girls from the hallways and pull a "What not to Wear" on them.


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