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eMac For Anyone?

I'm thinking of selling our eMac and putting the money towards an iBook for Sue - anyone interested? I haven't totally decided to sell it but there's some good prices going for them on eBay so it's got me interested.

This is what you could buy right now if you were looking at a new eMac:

New eMac

Mine is the 1Ghz model with more RAM (640MB) but less hard drive (a 60GB). We bought it August 2003 so it still has 4 months of warranty on it. I could throw on an extra 2 years of warranty for $200. iLife '04 (Garageband) is on it, as is Panther. I think we may even still have the original box.

Even if you're not interested in buying it, if I listed it on ebay is $1000 a fair price?


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Comments (9)


Dude, its a Mac... $5 is overpriced!!! HAAhhahahaahhAAHAhahah =)

*looks around nervously*

Mac users scare me!


*runs away*

I know.. most Mac users scare me as well.

You really have to watch out for them after a Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field keynote presentation - that's when they're at their worst.

Are you seriously thinking of 1G being the final price because if you were, you should talk to me. But if that is where the bidding starts then I'd have to hear what you are talking about. Werd.

I was just sort of putting it out there as a price. We'll chat. :)


Ah, to afford a computer. Could I trade you something for it, like say, a cool Astroboy Pog? I don't actually own one, but I could get it for you. ;)

Astroboy Pog!?!? Sold!

Argh! Sold from under my nose for a price of a precious pog.

astroboy pog - i'm into that too! anything astroboy and I'm sold :)

I'll trade you my astroboy pog for an eMac?


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