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Busy Week

Got a busy week - at least on paper - ahead of me but it'll be good once it's over. I'm playing guitar and running a few videos in the two Tenebrae services (one on Monday at 8pm and another on Friday at 7:30pm) and also playing guitar for the Easter musical performances on Sunday. But there's no Jr High Friday night and we also get Friday off from work so there's plenty more time to relax than usual.

Pretty much everyone who's anyone has picked up a copy of Battlefield: Vietnam here at work so we're gonna have to get some multi-player hurtin going on pretty quick. So Ryan, if you were debating - now's the time to get in on the action. Staples has it for $39.95, cheapest in town!


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Comments (6)


Yes, you indeed do have a busy week ahead. But #1 priority is to update your radio blog! I need some music to do homework to this week. =)


All I can say is... the invoices are in, the money is coming, the school year is winding down...

And I'm going to be playin' some BF 1942 and BF Vietnam.

You know what I'm talkin' bout.

Witter: Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me. I'll try and get something up there tonight.

Ryan: Good to hear. We might have to really geek out and have a LAN party sometime - I'm sure you'd get along smashingly with my co-workers. They're geeks... you're a geek. :)


If you ever need a tk'ing f*cktard to fill a spot in any bf1942 lan's I'm SO IN!


Then you could all weep in the glory of my fancy case. How much did that cost me again Chris?

Too much?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 5, 2004 2:20 PM.

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