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Play Classic Video Games in Flash

Go and play a bunch of classic video games in flash format including Pacman, Space Invader, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Tetris and even Duck Hunt.

Link via Doepud

Comments (4)

How many hits in Simon can you get in a row? I got about 12.


ok, a comment totally unrelated to this post but... whatever happened to crys' question of girls joining mennoboy? (blogspot is getting a tad annoying at present - i want more) i s'pose there's always mennogirl if the powers that be decide mennoboy truly is a gender based domain.

14 is what I got.

Jenn: I'm not sure where we left that "issue" I think it's all about the benjamins - you put up the cash and we have no problem accepting you. :) Mennoboy is a state of mind, not a gender.


I see. I'm interested. What's the bang for my buck? Is it basically just typepad/movable type at mennoboy.com?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2004 11:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Tim Horton's Conspiracy.

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