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Going on a missions trip

Here's my quick report back on our missions trip up to Pearceland, Sk:

We had a blast working with the kids up there - 17 kids came out to the DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School). We met some new friends from the church there and our kids got to experience helping out others in a big way. An awesome example of this was when after our week-ending bbq our kids (spearheaded by Dave & Chris S.) took the extra burgers and food out random people in the community - drunks outside the bar, people just walking down the street, etc. It was truly moving to see these kids showing so much love to people they had never met and would probably never see again.

Anyway, enough sappy stuff. :) Here's some photos from the trip:


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 23, 2002 5:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 1 Hour Photo - Not likely.

The next post in this blog is Makin music and listening to it too.

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