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adventures with k**k

the Dollarama commeth. after going to Long and McQuade, i drove through the river city center parking lot and sure enough there, where Fanny's Fabrics used to be, a Dollarama. it's not open yet, but today they were putting the big letters up and there were "opening soon" signs in the windows.

music purchases for today were the Beatles - White Album and Led Zeppelin - 1. both great classic albums. i also picked up a mint records sampler for 50c.


hurrah for dollarama!

i don't know if my visa can handle another doller store so wonderfully close to my house. sigh.

one answer to that problem may be that dollarama's are cash only.

but what excuse will we use for road trips now?


yes, because road trips and beer go so well together.

thats why you take someone who doesn't drink, like helen.

it's true, they only take me so that they have someone to drive when they've been drinking.

can we go for beer now? i need beer.

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