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in honor of the Dalai Lama:

The Eight-fold Path
Right Belief - which is the belief that Truth is the guide of Man
Right Resolve - to be calm all the time and never to do harm to any living creature
Right Speech - never to lie, never slander anyone, and never to use coarse or harsh language
Right Behavior - never to steal, never to kill, and never to do anything that one may later regret or be ashamed of
Right Occupation - never to choose an occupation that is bad, like forgery, the handling of stolen goods, usury, and the like
Right Effort - always to strive after that which is good, and always to keep away from that which was evil
Right Contemplation - always to be calm and not allow one's thoughts to be mastered by either joy or sorrow
Right Concentration - is then found when all the other rules have been followed and one has reached the stage of perfect peace

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