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September 14, 2006


Crazy day today - not more than a 15 minute walk from our apartment in Montreal, some 25 year old guy in punk/goth getup walked into a university prep school (Dawson College) and opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon. It is a miracle that a police-woman happened to be only half a block away and saw him go into the building. As it is, 20 people sustained gunshot wounds, 5 are still in critical condition, 1 girl has died, and the shooter was gunned down by police. And so we mourn here in Montreal today - I walked to the campus a couple of hours after the shooting and it was still fairly crazy down there...I guess this kind of thing can happen at any time and in any place and there is no way to protect people from it...but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

Posted by David at September 14, 2006 1:57 PM