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June 27, 2006

I'm a Sheep

How many of you have heard of Mark Viduka? Yeah, that's what I thought. I got so caught up in the whole AUS World Cup thing I bought a t-shirt with his face on it for $30 so I'd have the right colours to wear to the Italy vs. Australia game last night. What a tough way for Australia to lose.

However....not near as tough as for the poor Oilers who not only lose the final game of the Stanley Cup but then have their best player demand a trade. Talk about getting kicked while you're down.

NOW...lest you think that this blog is becoming nothing more than a sports update page...here's what we've got going on....................click on the link below to keep reading...

.........only 2 more days at the office. It's really hard to believe that on Friday we're going off to travel the coast of Australia for a bit before flying home to Canada on the 19th. We'd talked about flying on the 18th to try and get free stuff as that will be my birthday, but we figured that it might be more fun to be doing something other than sitting in a metal cylinder for 23 hours on that day.

Mo finished her last shift at the restaurant on Saturday - and the 46 year old crazy Serbian waiter who often made her and Jisca miserable got fired the next day...too bad that couldn't have happened a couple of months ago. She's with me at Strathfield this week, where I'm continually learning quality lessons on how not to run a business.

so many thoughts going through my mind right now. I'm really excited to see our families again. There are so many people I cannot wait to see in BC and back in Montreal - we've missed so much over the last year and look forward to reconnecting. But...I'm pretty frustrated at the same time as I'm not sure I'm much closer to determining what I would like to do "career-wise" and now I have to go back and try to get hired in Quebec again, which was a brutal experience last time. We'll see what pans out I suppose, but I'm starting to get a bit nervous about work, finding a place to live, how things will have changed while we've been gone, etc. I guess we've changed too....

....hey, we're going to be in the Rockies in just over a month! crazy. We went to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney on Sunday...what a scam that is. They're not mountains and would barely qualify as "hills" in my book...more like a deep valley.

OH YEAH...DID I MENTION THE CANUCKS GOT ROBERTO LUONGO?!? Ask mo, when I found out at work yesterday morning I got giddy and couldn't sit at my desk for a few minutes while I tried to plot out what the Canucks would be doing next. Man it's tough to be an Oilers fan right now. By the way, I just want to mention how proud I am of my younger brother Stephen who had the cojones to show up at a game 7 party in Saskatoon with a "Go 'Canes" poster. Gotta love it.

Posted by David at June 27, 2006 6:06 PM