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May 29, 2006


Well...Mo is working tonight. Again. For the 16th or 17th day in a row I think, and she's scheduled to work for at least the next 10 as well - She's put in over 135 hours of work over the last couple weeks... So much for the holiday! Anyway, I miss her, but at least we do get to hang out for a few hours per day on the weekend and she's been coming to work with me a few days a week at Strathfield so that has been a bonus. Last night we got to go to the aquarium for a couple of hours...


...other than that, we've gone to see a movie (Inside Man - thumbs up), had the firefighters show up over burnt toast, got in a verbal sparring match with our building manager, got to go see the biggest Rugby League game of the year (or at least Paul and I did...Mo and Jisca had work). We've also taken some time to wander around the city some more - fun, but mostly everything revolves around work right now...we'll keep you posted.

Posted by David at May 29, 2006 7:52 PM