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May 10, 2006

Back to life, back to reality....

ok, so not completely back to reality, but this first week in Sydney has been a bit of a shock to the system. All of a sudden we are dropped in the middle of a modern westernized city with the prices to match ($8.99/kg for bananas....that's even worse than Canada!!...and they grow them here!?!?). We have to work, find a place to live and cook for ourselves!!!! (I can just feel the sympathy coming through from your end) But I have to be honest, I'm sad to see our time in SE Asia come to an end...we had such a good time. I definitely hope to make back to that part of the world again some day. And now looking forward...

Australia is huge...in fact, just Sydney covers over 2100 square kilometers!!! So far, we are really enjoying the city. We are sharing a 1 bedroom apartment with Paul and Jisca (we'll each get the bedroom for one month while we stay there:o))...

...and we've all managed to find jobs within a week of being here. Our apartment is really nice...it overlooks the Sydney harbour and Opera house, is right by some nice botanical gardens and is within reasonable walking distance to downtown. Jisca and I are both working in a cute restaurant/cafe called "Violetta's" about a 10min walk from our place...seems like a good place to work and they serve amazing coffee which we get to partake of for free:o) Paul is working a manual labour job and David is in an office job that I'm sure he'll write about before too long.

We are just heading into their winter here, which is quite mild actually. It still gets up to the low 20's during the day but at night and in the morning it gets down to 10ish. It feels very cold for us right now just coming from Bangkok and India where they're in their hottest times of the year. But we'll get used to it, and we'll hit warmer weather once we start heading up the coast.

We are looking forward to exploring this area around Sydney fully in the two months that we'll be here working, then the plan is to quit and take a bit of time to explore up the east coast before heading back to Canada.

Posted by Maureen at May 10, 2006 1:58 PM


Hey guys - fellow mennoboy Chris here. If you head up the coast and find Byron Bay my sister/brother -in law live there (http://www.oatways.com/chrisandrin/). I'll email you their email address and if you're headed that way you can try and hook up for a surf or something. :)

Posted by: ichris [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 10, 2006 11:42 PM