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April 15, 2006

Chaotic India

I love my wife. One of the things that I really appreciate about Maureen is how she almost always looks at the positive side of things...she could be eating a baseball glove and she'd say "...not too bad...could maybe use a little ketchup". However, for her to say in her last blog entry that India had been "a little hectic" is too much. That's as dramatic an understatement as if I got run over by a bus and said that it "hurt a little bit"...ok, so I'm a bit dramatic, but our first few days were more than hectic, they were crazy, chaotic, fun, stressfull, and fascinating all at the same time.

In our first 10 days in India we spent 6 nights sleeping on trains, got stuck at a railway outpost where no one spoke English, rode five hours in the broken front seat of a taxi, visited the Taj Mahal, got sick, got asked to be extras in a Bollywood movie, had to weather a desert dust storm, sweated through temperatures above 40C without AC, visited...

...the ruins of a 5th century fort, almost got run over, saw camels hauling wagons of marble through the streets, did a river cruise along the sacred Ganges river, climbed up to a massive 15th century castle/fort that was never conquered, got sick again, were the honoured guests at the exclusive Cricket Club of India, and spent at least a day in each of Bauroni, Varanasi, Agra, New Delhi, Jodphur, Mumbai and now Goa.

So yeah, it's been pretty crazy - one couple that we met a couple of days ago just laughed at us when they heard that we started our journey in Varanasi as it is undoubtedly one of the most intense Indian towns you could ever visit....

...all that being said, it has been a fascinating experience, between the amazing food, colours, sights (and yes, smells).

We'll be heading off to meet up with Paul and Jisca soon which we are really looking foward to - we haven't seen them since the start of March when they decided to skip Nepal, so it will be great to see people from home again. We'll keep you posted.

Posted by David at April 15, 2006 8:11 PM