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September 29, 2005

Teenagers and Wild Oats

Phew...the last little while has been pretty busy with harvest and a wedding. Last week we managed to finish swathing the canola (swathing = cutting it into nice rows...for those of you like Tom who don't know what we're talking about) combine most of the barley before the wedding, and so far this week we finished the barley and combined the wheat. It made for a couple extremely late nights but it has been great to be getting so much done.


We'd hoped to get going on combining some of the canola yesterday but it still is a little bit tough, so we'll probably get started on that tomorrow......

.....which means that we were able to come into town today and use Justin and Shannon's computer to update our website....SEEING AS WE CAN'T DO IT AT HOME WITH THE FREAKIN' PHONE LINES BEING DOWN AGAIN!!!

Anyway, what else is going on....oh yeah, I'm going to be teaching all of next week at the local junior high school...everything from cooking and drama to gym and math, so that should probably come pretty close to pushing me beyond the limits of my sanity (cooking and drama???are you kidding me?)

Other than that, there isn't really all that much new to report. Paul and Jisca are doing quite well working for Mo's uncle, although we don't get to see very much of them. They go to work early and finish around supper time, whereas we have tended to get work started a bit later in the morning (once the frost dries off) and work until 10pm-12am........I guess we won't get tired of each other before heading off travelling ;-)

Posted by David at September 29, 2005 6:16 PM