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August 30, 2005

Stephen and Melissa's Wedding

The weather was beautiful in Saskatoon, SK on the morning of August 20th. Sunny and not much of a wind...which is a quite a miracle when it comes to Saskatchewan:o) The ceremony took place at 2:00pm and it was beautiful. Both of the dads officiated the ceremony which added a nice personal touch. David finished writing his song and it turned out really well.


The reception was held just outside the city at a place called "The Barn Playhouse". They had a BBQ and a dance. In all the day went off without a hitch (if you don't count the killer bees that were attacking the bridesmaids flowers during the picture taking).

Unfortunately, because of issues with green cards, etc, Jeremy wasn't able to leave the USA to come up to Canada. He and Erin had already bought their plane tickets, so Erin came anyways.
Thanks to technology these days, Erin and I were able to run a live video feed for Jeremy during the ceremony. Without being there in person, it was the next best thing for sure.

Melissa had all the details taken care of down to the "T" and everything was very beautiful. Check out the photo gallery to see the picture of the cupcakes they had instead of a wedding cake. They were really neat.

The reception and dance was a tonne of fun. Very laid back, country atmosphere (it helps when you're surrounded by wheat fields and big red barns). The DJ for the dance had just transferred all his music from cassette tapes to CDs for the occasion and only had music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. But let me tell you, the crowd did a mean Electric Slide.

Now the couple is off on a Carribean cruise for their honeymoon (and thankfully they just missed the hurricane Katrina on their way by).

Posted by Maureen at August 30, 2005 2:05 PM


Hey Dave, the site is looking great! Nice pictures - great to see more of you two, if only via web... :) Matthew

Posted by: royalchinook [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 30, 2005 3:55 PM